Envy and jealousy are closely linked. They’re the outcome of a poisonous mix of anxiety-related insecurity, rage, and a need to compare oneself to others (often very poorly). Jealousy is rooted in fear, particularly the fear of losing praise or love from the object of one’s affection, or of having something removed from one’s possession. It’s also founded in a person’s need for importance and safety. Jealousy frequently includes a triangle of three people: the envious person, their rival (often misunderstood), and the one whose attention is being sought.
The yearning for what others have is referred to as envy (i.e., status, lifestyle, possessions, characteristics, or relationships). It may turn into scorn, malice, and the destruction of others if it is not controlled. It presents itself as a disdain for others and annoyance at their wealth. It’s driven by the idea that one person deserves more praise and success than another, and it’s tied to avarice and pride as a consequence. Envy is the polar opposite of love because, while love celebrates someone’s good, envy attempts to destroy another for personal gain.
The earliest stage of jealousy and envy is when a person wishes for something that another person possesses. When this emotion isn’t managed or addressed, it might turn into contempt or scorn towards the other person, just because they remind the person of what they don’t have. If left unchecked, the emotion may develop into malice, in which the person desires to ruin the good in the other’s life. This is done with the premise that if another person can’t get the same pleasure from a product, then the individual shouldn’t be able to either. These jealousy and envy sayings from Reneturrek show us more about these two instincts
When jealousy and envy are taken to extremes, they may have a significant impact on a person’s relationships. Threats, falsehoods, self-pity, and other forms of manipulation are used by chronically jealous people to maintain control over their relationships. If their spouse resists such methods, the jealous person will become even more controlling.
Wt Do Jealousy and Envy Have in Common?
Envy and jealousy are good words to employ to add color to your writing since they may convey how your characters feel. What would a Midsummer Night’s Dream be without jealousy and envy, for example? What would a Shakespearean play be without jealously and envy, after all? While these two terms may seem to be interchangeable, they are not. You must examine each word separately to grasp the subtle distinctions between jealousy and envy.
Bible Examples of Jealousy vs. Envy
It’s time to get serious about the Bible. That is if you are interested in Biblical interpretations. Envy and jealousy are both mentioned in the Bible in various circumstances. In some situations, the difference between the two terms might be significant.
Exous 20:4-5 has a reference to a jealous God in the Bible. In this sense, envy refers to a desire to worship just the one real Christian God rather than other gods. Jealousy, on the other hand, may be seen in other parts of the Bible.
While jealousy isn’t a good thing in the Bible, envy is one of the seven deadly sins. It also appears in various texts, such as Proverbs 14:30: Envy rots the bones, while a peaceful heart provides vitality to the body. Envy is a sin according to the Bible.
Jealousy and envy may be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Dissatisfaction. Putting one’s attention on what one lacks rather than what one does have.
In comparion to other people. Some people are socialized to judge themselves only on the basis of how they compare to others.
Pride. The erroneous belief that one is entitled to a life of personal riches and fulfilment.
Low self-esteem/desire for importance When a person does not feel good about themselves, they typically look for meaning in their surroundings rather than in their inner selves.
The desire for material wealth. Seeking momentary gain in the form of money, looks, position, accomplishments, or abilities.
Jealousy and envy may be expressed in the following ways:
Other people’s resentment. Being very critical and judgemental of others.
In relationships, there is competition. The desire for a person to be better than others around them. Displaying a proclivity for overachievement or a superior attitude toward others.
Depression. One is very critical of oneself for not accomplishing what one desires or what others have accomplished.
Dissatisfaction with life. A persistent yearning for more money and the notion that more money would bring more happiness.
Gossip regarding other people’s lives. Criticism of others on a regular basis.
Others are idolized. Begin your thoughts with the phrase “If only…”
Be truthful. While you may not feel jealous or envious, your sentiments might be hidden under scorn, criticism, self-pity, gossip, manipulation, and so on. Do not fool yourself; be honest with yourself about your genuine sentiments, attitudes, and intentions.
Make appreciation a way of life. Consider what you do have and be thankful for it.
Compare-and-contrast exercises should be avoided. Only go shopping if you have anything particular in mind to buy. Read novels that urge you to think about the beauty in your life. Limit your exposure to media or periodicals that are primarily concerned with monetary gain.
Why are you doing this?
When you’re feeling jealous, think about what you’re envious of in someone else. If you find yourself envious of someone else’s excellent traits, such as compassion or social skills, consider developing similar qualities in yourself; this will transform your jealousy into appreciation.
Take a deep breath and take a step back. Stop and acknowledge your feelings of jealousy. Make no remarks to others that are manipulative or domineering. Spend time with yourself and work on changing your negative emotions into good ones. Sending an e-mail or making a phone call to express your affection for someone might be beneficial.
Grow. Make a strategy to enhance your good attributes and special abilities.
Please don’t give up. Envy and jealousy may be a long time battle for certain people, and they might be signs of unresolved past grief. You could be someone who would benefit greatly from working with a professional therapist.